Certificate and Examination Requirements

Participation in the in-company work placement is a prerequisite for admission to the final examinations of the intermediate school leaving certificate. Furthermore, students must achieve certain grades in interdisciplinary learning (e.g. Mathematics, German and English) as well as in the subject-related study area (e.g. caring and providing for groups of the elderly)


There are a total of four examination subjects.

Combined exam in providing care and support to the elderly

Central exams are held in Mathematics, German and English.

The fourth exam, Caring and providing for specific groups of persons, is a combined examination. That means that there is a written theoretical part and a practical part. The practical examination is taken on-site.

All subjects, with the exception of sport and the subjects of practical study, can be included in the oral examination.



In addition to general knowledge, a broad-based vocational training is provided in class. The basic education is useful for gaining entry to various occupations, for example: cook, baker, hotel and restaurant workers, housekeeper and many more.